Where Every Star can Shine Bright

We are based in the Harrow and Wembley area and offer Multi-Sports classes to all children. Our programmes are designed to support and engage children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), with or without diagnoses, supporting them to develop physical skills, confidence, and feel part of a welcoming community. Whether your child is just starting their sporting journey or looking to improve their skills, we focus on fun, teamwork, and creating a positive space for every child to shine.
Placing your child at the centre
Clear and accessible communication is at the heart of everything we do. We utilise a variety of methods, including Makaton signing, PECS, visual aids, and verbal communication, to ensure every child can express themselves, understand instructions, and connect with others. We believe that effective communication is essential for building confidence, fostering inclusion and ensuring positive behaviour therefore creating a positive learning environment.
We understand that every child communicates differently, so we communicate with families to identify the most effective strategies for each individual. We prioritise active listening and create a space where every child feels heard and understood.
We encourage children to express themselves in whatever way feels most comfortable, celebrating all forms of effective communication."
We believe that working together is important. We collaborate with children, their families/carers and other staff to develop an individualised approach that meet each child's unique needs and goals.
We value you and your child's input to understand their interests, likes, dislikes, and ways of communicating so we can engage them in the best way possible
Through adults modelling positive ways of working together we encourage effective teamwork and social skills that children can learn and use
Progress looks different for every child, and we ensure activities are flexible to meet diverse needs. We implement PE adaptations using the STEP framework (adjusting Space, Task, Equipment, and People) to make activities accessible.
In addition to this we also offer personalised approaches to breaks, communication methods, and levels of assistance.
By adapting both the overall structure and acknowledging children's individual needs, we create an environment where children can develop their skills and thrive.